Types of learning

    Model architectures

       Scaling things up

Types of learning

Supervised learning

Training set of example input/output \((x_i, y_i)\) pairs


If \(X\) is the space of inputs and \(Y\) the space of outputs, find a function \(h\) so that for each \(x_i \in X\), \(h_\theta(x_i)\) is a predictor for the corresponding value \(y_i\)
(\(\theta\) represents the set of parameters of \(h_\theta\))

→ i.e. find the relationship between inputs and outputs


Continuous outputs: Regression
Discrete outputs: Classification

Unsupervised learning

Unlabelled data (training set of \(x_i\))


Look for structure within the data


Social network analysis
Market segmentation
Cocktail party algorithm (signal separation)

Self-supervised learning

Mostly used in Natural Language Processing (NLP):

Unlabelled data (e.g. raw text from the internet) is used by a model for training, for instance by predicting which words will come next in a sentence and calculating a loss function with the word that actually comes next.

Not needing labelled data is a huge advantage and SSL is starting to be used in computer vision as well.

Learning process


Allows to shift the output of the activation function to the right or to the left

→ Offset

Gradient descent

From Olegalexandrov & Zerodamage, Wikipedia

Iterative optimization method
Adjust the weights and biases

Batch gradient descent

Use all examples in each iteration

Slow for large data set:
Parameters adjusted only after all the samples have been through

Stochastic gradient descent

Use one example in each iteration

Much faster than batch gradient descent:
Parameters are adjusted after each example

But no vectorization

Mini-batch gradient descent

Intermediate approach:
Use mini-batch size examples in each iteration

Allows a vectorized approach that stochastic gradient descent did not allow
→ parallelization

Variation: Adam optimization algorithm

Major pitfall: over-fitting

From Chabacano, Wikipedia

Some noise from the data extracted by the model while it does not represent general meaningful structure and has no predictive power

Major pitfall: over-fitting

- Training too long
- Training without enough data
- Too many parameters

Overfitting: solutions

Regularization by adding a penalty to the loss function

Early stopping

Increase depth (more layers), decrease breadth (less neurons per layer)
→ less parameters overall, but creates vanishing and exploding gradient problems

Neural architectures adapted to the type of data
→ fewer and shared parameters (e.g. convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network)


Fully-connected feedforward single-layer

From “Neural Networks and Deep Learning” free online book, Chapter 5

Each neuron receives input from every element of the previous layer

Fully-connected feedforward deep NN

From “Neural Networks and Deep Learning” free online book, Chapter 5

Data with large input sizes (e.g. images) require a huge number of neurons

Convolutional neural network (CNN)

From Programming Journeys by Rensu Theart

Used for spatially structured data (e.g. image recognition)

Convolution layers   →   Each neuron receives input only from a subarea (local receptive field) of the previous layer.

Pooling   →   Combines the outputs of neurons in a subarea to reduce the data dimensions. The stride dictates how the subarea is moved across the image (e.g. max-pooling uses the maximum for each subarea).

Convolutional neural network (CNN)

From Programming Journeys by Rensu Theart

 →   Not fully connected

Recurrent neural network (RNN)

From fdeloche, Wikipedia

Used for chain structured data (e.g. text)

Recurrent neural network (RNN)

From fdeloche, Wikipedia

 →   Not feedforward


From Vaswani et al., 2017, arXiv:1706.03762


They allow for easier parallelization of tasks because the data processing order doesn’t matter

Transformers started in 2017 and have since then lead to the most complex models such as BERT and GPT-3

You will watch a video explaining their complex architecture

Scaling up


  • Does not help when memory is a problem
  • Expensive. Not always available


Split batches into smaller batches run in parallel
  • Sometimes not possible (e.g. RNN very difficult to parallelize)
  • Sometimes the limiting factor is memory

Gradient accumulation

Split batches into smaller batches run sequentially
  • Takes time
  • Does not solve the problem if not enough memory for a single sample

Transfer learning

The topic of the next lesson

Transfer learning allows to repurpose models to new (similar) purposes, saving tremendous amounts of computing time and need for data


ML libraries

Most popular:

  • PyTorch , developed by Facebook’s AI Research lab
  • TensorFlow , developed by the Google Brain Team

Both most often used through their Python interfaces

Julia syntax is well suited for the implementation of mathematical models

GPU kernels can be written directly in Julia

Julia’s speed is attractive in computation hungry fields

→ Julia has seen the development of many ML packages
